Seien wir ehrlich: Cast waren nie die coolen Kids des Britpop. Zum einen waren Bands wie The Bluetones, Shed Seven oder sogar Menswear sicherlich häufiger auf den Covern von NME, Select oder Melody Maker abgebildet, zum anderen haftet der Band immer der Makel an, dass sie nicht so gut war wie The La’s, die John Power zuvor verlassen hatte und deren zweites Album wir auch nach 27 Jahren noch sehnlichst erwarten. 2005 wurden übrigens bereits erste neue Songs (die „Gimme The Blues“, „Sorry“, „I Am The Key“, „Fishing Net“, „Raindance“ und „The Human Race“ heißen sollen) live gespielt, John Power war auch wieder mit an Bord, aber Lee Mavers soll sich die Zeit nehmen, die er braucht und sich nicht hetzen lassen.
Zurück zu Cast: Das Debütalbum „All Change“ (1995) war toll, auch noch die folgende Non-Album Single „Flying“, danach ging es stetig bergab und nach vier Platten löste sich die Band auf. 2012 tauchten Cast mit dem mediokren „Troubled Times“ wieder auf. Mittlerweile ist mit leicht veränderter Besetzung, nämlich John Power (Gesang, Gitarre), Liam Tyson (Gitarre), Keith O’Neill (Schlagzeug) und Jay Lewis (Bass), ein weiteres Album, „Kicking Up The Dust“, erschienen, das zwischen Britpop, Adult Orientated Rock, Country und 70s Rock wandelt und möglicherweise ihr drittbestes ist.
The bold bass and stomping drums opening the existential 11 song album, has title-track 'Kicking Up The Dust', bringing reality home via John Power's words and gritty, spacey guitar tones. With a merry melodic intro that moves to a half-Bossa beat, 'Roar' keeps it calm till the chorus kicks in, which instantly displays the band's characteristic growl. The addition of Jay Lewis on bass and backing vocals since 2015, seems to provide a cool breeze to things vintage and new.It can be said that this album has evident textbook rock songwriting examples, with its evenly well-thought arranged sections. There is a nice golden blend of 70s rock-ballad stylings on tracks such as 'Paper Chains' and 'How Can We Lose', possessing warm vocals and guitars, that reach down deep into your soul, similar to iconic forerunners The Eagles and Thin Lizzy.There are swift moments where the songs take a slight style detour down the pop-rock route, the relationship withdrawal 'Birdcage', additionally 'Clear Blue Water', a bit heavier and yet cheerfully pounds along, thanks to Keith's stickwork.However, for those of us wanting to hear songs bathed in that rich enchanting Cast essence, experienced in the manner of their early albums, hold on. There is the down-home country stomper 'Further Down The Road', a dreamy layered 6/8 light bringer 'Every Little Thing You Do', and one of the album's strongest songs, the hook-tastic mid-tempo groover 'Baby Blue Eyes'.A simmered down melancholic love lost finale, 'Out Of My Hands' wrings out a decent country-rock ballad and brings Kicking Up The Dust to a gentle close. A mature outlook for Cast has delivered a thoughtful package of mixed emotions and certainly mixed song energies. Not to quell the fires of expectation, but it could engage a mixed reception equally.(Soundlab)
Stonking title track ‘Kicking Up The Dust’ erupts with a ferocious drum beat that signifies intent from the opening seconds. With a sense of anger in front-man John Power’s vocal the powerful track will whet the appetite of any existing fan whilst possibly attracting some new ones at the same time. The rousing vibe continues with‘Roar’, a track that has all the makings of a live favourite that is bound to be sung back at the stage with intensity from the floor. With a tasty guitar riff by Liam ‘Skin’ Tyson ‘Do That’ also has a real groove to it with Jay Lewis on bass and Keith O’Neill on drums completing the line-up. The track is a real grower and is another that delivers in classic CAST fashion and with Power’s stirring vocal and is an early highpoint.The delicate ballad ‘Paper Chains’ provides an opportunity for the listener to take stock of the moment as John Power appears to reflect on life to date “been a lot of days, been a lot of nights, been a lot of times in my life”. Accompanied by a beautiful female backing vocal the track is simply stunning with the fragile vocal touching the soul. ‘Birdcage’ follows and builds an almost hypnotic chant and when the vocals are peeled away towards the end of the track it feels like the bird has flown.Released some time ago, ‘Baby Blue Eyes’ appears to have been re-recorded and is arguably the album standout track with a spirited, euphoric, punch the air chorus that leaves nothing behind. There’s a country feel as ‘Out Of My Hands’ closes out the album ensuring there is plenty of variation. All in, Kicking Up The Dust delivers throughout and proves sometimes the wait is worth it.(kulbritania)
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