Roo Panes - Quiet Man

Anders als bei Meg Myers, über die wir gestern gesprochen haben, führt uns der Albumtitel von Roo Panes nicht in die Irre. Ganz im Gegenteil. „Quiet Man“ trifft die Musik des Singer/Songwriters ziemlich gut: warmer, optimistischer, unaufgeregter und eben auch ruhiger Folk zwischen Dan Mangan, Bon Iver, The National, Glen Hansard und Passenger.

„Quiet Man“ ist das mittlerweile dritte Album von Roo Panes, der eigentlich mit Vornamen Andrew heißt, und neben seiner musikalischen Karriere auch als Model arbeitet. Den Reigen der Vorab-Veröffentlichungen eröffnete Ende letzten Jahres die Single „A Message To Myself“, auf der alle Zutaten für das komplette Album bereits enthalten waren: introvertiertes Songwriting, Panes’ weiche Stimme, die sich gelegentlich ins Falsett begibt, dazu akustische Gitarre, Streicher, dezente Percussions. Vereinzelt gesellen sich im Verlauf der 11 Songs noch Piano, Bläser und Chorgesang hinzu, so wie auf den beiden weiteren ausgekoppelten Songs „My Sweet Refuge“ und „My Narrow Road“:

Ambient spine-tingling ooh's over a delicate piano is how Pane introduces himself on third album Quiet Man. Instantly striking a chord with listeners thanks to his vocal tones, which float effortlessly between Bon Iver and The National, Roo dares to go to a higher falsetto on "A Message to Myself". It's not long into the second track "My Sweet Refuge" that you hear eerie similarities in melody to The National's "Fake Empire", for what we hope is a brief tip of the hat and not a full-on album replica assault.
Fortunately, the trend doesn't continue. “Ophelia” is a raw and tender moment brought to life with rich percussion and wonderful flutters of a mandolin. Male and female harmonies collide beautifully over pensive lyrics, and the listener is swept up in the beauty of the song. A common stomping ground for Pane on Quiet Man is to build upon his opening lyrics by soothing introductions of vocal melodies, most effective when his deeper tones are balanced with a softer female touch. This creates a solid foundation throughout the standout track, “A Gift To You”. (…)
Where others in this field dwell heavily on melancholy, Panes' songs feel more rooted in positivity and celebrations of life. Its refreshing to hear little mutterings of lost love and failed relationships. Albeit a little too similar in places to the vocal tones of Matt Beringer, no one can deny Roo Panes any title that relates to singing falsetto. There are many moments on this record where he soars like an eagle in pursuit of his musical prey. But equally spellbinding is his deeper bass like tones. The musical canvas beneath his voice is mostly of folk finger pickings. It's only when he dares to think outside the box and offer a different pedigree of song, like “Warrior”, that the canvas ignites.
(Drunken Werewolf)

Roo Panes in Deutschland:
20.11.18 Berlin, Silent Green