Autolux - Transit Transit

Autolux sind Eugene Goreshter (Gesang, Bass), Greg Edwards (Gitarre, Gesang) und Carla Azar (Schlagzeug, Gesang) aus Los Angeles. Ihr erstes Album "Future Perfect" (2004) wurde von den Kritikern hoch gehandelt und verkaufte sich recht ordentlich, so dass sie in dessen Folge im Vorprogramm von The Secret Machines, Nine Inch Nails oder Queens Of The Stone Age auftraten und Songs ("Persons & Machinery" und "Joy Factory") zusammen mit Unkle bastelten, die auf "War Stories" (2007) und "Where Did The Night Fall" (2010) erschienen.

Das zweite Album von Autolux, "Transit Transit", ließ ein wenig auf sich warten, kommt mit mehrfach geschichteten Gitarren, gelegentlichen Noise-Attacken, pluckernden Beats und dem warmen und harmonischen Gesang von Eugene und Carla langsam angeschlichen, um die ein oder andere unerwartete Wendung zu nehmen und so Shoegaze (My Bloody Valentine, Mogwai), Alternative Rock (Sonic Youth, Smashing Pumpkins), Krautrock (Can) und Krautrock-Affines (Radiohead) miteinander zu verbinden. Dies dürfte hier vor allem Ingos Interesse wecken.

"Supertoys" Live From The Basement

Greg Edwards’ jigsaw guitars, mechanical bleeps and sampled robotics are a welcoming sign that the band still lives deep inside their heads while creating challenging sounds with the simplest of instruments. Carla’s drums, as usual, sound fucking incredible on every song, especially the washed out “Audience No.2”. And the more upfront melodic bass guitar-weaving and fuzz tones delivered by Eugene Goreshter are amazing on tracks like the Future Perfect-esque banger “Kissproof”.

The moods also change color as we’re presented with a more electronic and down-tempo vibe. From the beginning piano chords of title track “Transit Transit”, through the Radiohead-influenced “Highchair” to Azar’s quirky and bizarre “The Bouncing Wall”. But neither of these songs stick as catchy anthems the way a track like “Supertoys” does. That’s because Autolux’s music sounds fully realized and futuristic when the guitars are dominating. “Supertoys” sees Goreshter and Azar in a long distance call-and-response while Greg Edwards chops through measure after measure with blurry down-strokes.

Closing number “The Science of Imaginary Solutions” is the group’s most vulnerable moment on the entire record, and Carla’s best vocal performance. The loud-quiet-loud structure hits you over the head for three minutes while Azar lulls you into a dream-like state. This is what Autolux do better than anyone. I just wish they delivered an entire album of songs with the same level of spectacle.

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