JP Hoe - Hideaway

Billy Joel, bist du es? Nein, denn dafür ließe der "Piano Man" sein angestammtes Instrument viel zu selten erklingen ("I Need You", "That Word"). "Run Away From Me" und "We Try" schicken uns in Richtung der Turin Brakes, aber auch das ist wohl eine Sackgasse. 
Rufus Wainwright vielleicht? Schließlich sind die Songs mit Streichern und anderem orchestralen Instrumenten gespickt. Wohl auch nicht, da der Gesang nicht nasal genug ist und die 10 Songs dem Popformat, das in den letzten vier Jahrzehnten problemlos die internationalen Radiowelten dominierte, viel zu nahe stehen. Dorthin gehören Songs wie "Beautiful Crazy", "Danger" oder "The Word" definitiv, damit sich Menschen, die sonst niemals über "Hideaway" gestolpert wären, den Namen des Sängers notieren und im nächsten Plattenladen nach ihm fragen oder ihn zur Not eben bei iTunes eingeben.

JP Hoe heißt der aus Winnipeg stammende Singer/Songwriter, der mit "The Dear John Letters" (2008) und "Mannequin" (2012) bereits zwei Alben veröffentlichte und bereits sechs Nominierungen für den Western Canadian Music Award einheimste. Für "Hideaway" hat er sich fürs Produzieren, Mastern und Komponieren mit Dana Matyas (Imaginary Cities), João Carvalho (City & Colour, Serena Ryder, Sloan) bzw. Andy Stochanksy tatkräftige Unterstützung ins Boot geholt, das nun in Richtung zeitloser Erwachsenen-Pop/Rock segelt, ohne dabei in Untiefen zu geraten. 

Sein diese Woche erscheinendes Album hat JP Hoe bereits im letzten Monat live in Deutschland auf einer gemeinsamen Tournee mit Federal Lights präsentiert, und ich ärgere mich ein wenig, die Konzerttermine übersehen zu haben. Dafür wird aber morgen die Vorstellung der neue Platte von Federal Lights nachgereicht...

“Hideaway” opens with his single “Beautifully Crazy” the track is smooth and almost majestic. The whole thing just reminds me of something you would hear from the great U2. The lyrics describe people society deems crazy, but finding the beauty in that instead of trying to save them. This one really stood out to me and I found myself listening to it on repeat. Without giving you a full run down of every track and what makes it amazing (because trust me I totally could) the next one that really stood out to me was “That Word”.  This song is just incredibly well written with brilliant lyrics and a catchy chorus. It quickly became one of my favourites. This whole album is a stunning piece of work that showcases not only JP’s strong and very complex vocal abilities, but his distinctive song writing skills. It’s no wonder people are taking notice.
“Hideaway” is full of extremely powerful tracks that will be an excellent addition to any music lovers playlist. I highly recommend it to anyone that really enjoys music to get lost in and lyrics with substance. 

If anything can be said about Hideaway, it is that – musically, at the very least – it connects emotionally with an audience. There are plenty of tearjerkers, particularly “I Need You” and “That Word”, but there’s a resonate feeling of hope that permeates the record. These are bright and sunny songs for the most part, song that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. True, nothing on Hideaway sounds remarkably startling in terms of sheer innovation, but Hoe has done right in capturing the feel of a long gone decade, and referencing other artists – there’s a slide guitar in “My Silhouette” that feels ripped from the George Harrison songbook – without sounding merely imitative. With this album, JP Hoe makes the case that he is an artist that is unique and somewhat original, one that transcends decades of songcraft. As much as these songs might have done well in the ‘70s, they do equally well in 2015. Part of that is the production – polished and polished to a glistening lustre. However, as much as these songs are smooth, they do not feel insincere or merely pap for the masses. There’s a depth in the musicianship, and all of these songs are undeniably catchy in their own right. I would be hard pressed to name a dud on this record, and, if today’s commercial radio landscape doesn’t mind an artist such as Hoe, I would imagine that these songs would do well if given the chance and audience. JP Hoe is an artist with nothing to hide, his emotions being laid bare. These songs stand up and showcase an artist who can leapfrog over pop genres, and those who love perfect pop are going to have a lot to dig into here.
(zachary houle)