Die erste Vorladung (XIII)
Lewsberg sind ein niederländisches Quartett, das in seiner aktuellen Besetzung aus Arie van Vliet (Gesang, Gitarre, Geige), Michiel Klein (Gitarre, Keyboards), Shalita Dietrich (Bass, Gesang) und Neuzugang Marrit Meinema (Schlagzeug, Gesang) besteht.
Die Band hat sich bei ihrer Grpndung 2016 nach Robert Loesberg, einem früh verstorbenen Schriftsteller aus ihrer Heimatstadt Rotterdam, benannt und mittlerweile vier Alben herausgebracht: „Lewsberg“ (2018), „In This House“ (2020), „In Your Hands“ (2021) und nun „Out And About“. Beschtenswert ist nicht nur die schnelle Abfolge der Veröffentlichungen sondern auch die Tatsache, dass alle Alben selbst veröffentlicht wurden.
„Out And About“ wurde im Frühjahr 2023 mit der Produzentin Yulya Divakova in Amsterdam aufgenommen, ist als CD und LP (black Vinyl, 140 g) erhältlich und bietet 11 Songs in 36:32 Minuten.
Stoischer, repetitiver Indierock mit Geige („Going Places“, „Canines“) sowie Boy-/Girl Gesang, der meistens doch eher Sprechgesang ist. Das alles lässt an The Velvet Underground denken (oder an „Songs For Drella“ von Lou Reed John Cale), gelegentlich an die Tindersticks oder The Go-Betweens.
Lead single ‘An Ear to the Chest’ bases itself around a shrill and repetitive guitar lick, yet manages to assert itself as their attempt at a pop song of sorts and achieves this with ease. There are many other examples which see the band delve into this territory, such as the jangly ‘Out for Milk’ that wouldn’t feel out of place amongst artists on the C81/86 compilations, as well as ‘Without A Doubt’ which boasts some of the most singalong moments on the record.On the other hand, there are a number of slower and more wistful moments scattered across the record. Opening track ‘Angle of Reflection’ immediately invites the listener into the warmth the album possesses with an electric organ that evokes a dreamy sound that feels like new territory for the group.
“Our first two records were pretty much our take on the music and literature that Arie [van Vliet] and I had been talking about for years,” says guitarist Michiel Klein. “Our third album, In Your Hands, was about keeping things small, quiet and intimate, partly in reaction to some of the unease we occasionally felt when Lewsberg was being lumped in with these muscular testosterone filled rock bands. For this album I was inspired by how I saw the personalities in the band when we became a quartet again, with the addition of Marrit.” “Testosterone-fueled” is a term I’ve never associated with Lewsberg but Meinema has definitely put new spark into a band who were threatening to wear out their groove. Despite its title, Out and About is a textbook example of a stay-at-home Sunday morning record and a wonderful one at that.
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