Candy Opera - The Patron Saint Of Heartache


Die erste Vorladung (III)

In ihrer aktuellen Besetzung bestehen Candy Opera aus Paul Malone (Gesang, Gitarre), Brian Chin Smithers (Gitarre), Alan Currie (Schlagzeuger), Frank Mahon (Bass), Ken Moss (Gitarre) und Gary O'Donnell (Keyboards).

Unglaublich aber wahr: Hier kann im Grunde die gleiche Geschichte erzählt werden wie gestern bei Daniel Takes A Train. 
Die Band aus Liverpool wurde 1982 gegründet, durchlebte mehrere Wechsel in der Besetzung, spielte Konzerte mit The Pogues oder The Go-Betweens und weckte das Interesse bekannter Plattenfirmen wie EMI und Go! Discs - aber zu einer regulären Plattenveröffentlichung kam es nie. 1993 lösten sich Candy Opera auf, um ebenfalls mit reichlich Verzögerung von den Machern des Berliner Indie-Labels Firestation Records in den Tiefen des Internets entdeckt zu werden. Mit „Rarities“ und „45 Revolutions Per Minute“ wurden 2018 gleich zwei Compilations herausgebracht.
Im August und September 2019 entstanden 14 neue Songs, die als „The Patron Saint Of Heartache“ nun das erste reguläre Studioalbum der Band rund um Paul Malone bilden und über A Turntable Friend Records veröffentlicht werden.

Nostalgischer, britischer Gitarrenpop, der Ende der 80er Jahre Fans von Prefab Sprout, Aztec Camera und The Pale Fountains gefallen hätte.


The first track on the new album is single These Days Are Ours, a classic slice of epic, widescreen pop that starts with the line “All the best days of your life will pass you by in the blink of an eye“, a line made more poignant given the band’s back story. The band’s maturity shows and the song is calm, measured and heartfelt.
Next song Tell Me When The Lights Turn Green transports me back to the 80s when indie infected pop music was taking over the charts and making stars of scores of previously underground bands. Listening to it now, it is baffling why Candy Opera weren’t included in that success, there really seems to be no discernable reason why this should be denied them other than the fact that this is how life sometimes plays out.
Crash is a lively number that tells us of a girl who looks like “Venus in blue jeans” or “the devil in plaid” in lyrics that again evoke the image and tropes of 80’s pop. But, while this may sound like Candy Opera are rooted in an earlier decade, this is not the case at all. There is a contemporary feel to these songs, and a modern production to go with it. (…)
An album like The Patron Saint of Heartache needs a killer song to close with, and There is No Love is more than up to the task. Another potential single, the song rolls along on a groove that captures the soul and rock roots of the band and is perhaps the song that best shows what Candy Opera’s next steps could be.
And with The Patron Saint of Heartache, we hope that there are further steps to come from Candy Opera. It may have taken them three decades to find their place at the table, but that place is well deserved.

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