The Lodger - Grown-Ups

Meine erste Begegnung mit The Lodger war ein Beitrag ihrerseits auf dem hervorragend zusammengestellten Firestation Records-Sampler New British Invasion. Getting Special war ein Song, in den man sich direkt verlieben musste. Mit You Got Me Wrong oder Many Thanks For Your Honest Opinion, auf die ich später in diversen Blogs stiess, erging es mir nicht anders. Und jetzt das Album: A Free Period, My Advice Is On Loan, Let Her Go, ...ich möchte hier nicht alle Songs aufzählen, in die ich mich verliebte.

Slumberland Records sagt:

We don't know if it's something in the water or what, but England is fairly bursting with exciting guitar pop bands right now, and The Lodger are amongst the brightest hopes. Taking their cues from fellow northerners The Smiths and The Wedding Present, The Lodger's music is classic melodic pop, fueled by sparkling hooks and plangent lyrics. The tunes are sharp and timeless, a thoroughly modern distillation of great Britpop from the 60s right up to today.

From the summertime sing-along of "Kicking Sand" to the gorgeous "Let Her Go" and the perfect gem that is "Unsatisfied," Grown-Ups is a perfect introduction to the thrilling pop charms of The Lodger: packed with distinctive, effortlessly catchy pop tunes that burst with enthusiasm and demand to be heard.


My Advice Is On Loan (mp3)
Let Her Go (mp3)
The Story's Over (mp3)