Bekannt wurde die norwegische Elektro-Pop-Band Flunk vor allem durch ihre in dieses Genre überführten Coverversionen: von New Order ("Blue Monday" und "True Faith") über The KInks ("All Day And All Of The Night") und Depeche Mode ("See You") bis hin zu Radiohead ("Karma Police").
Für ihr aktuelles Album "Lost Causes" machen sie jedoch so einiges anders: Der Coversong ("Only You" von Yazoo) landet auf der B-Seite der Single ("Sanctuary"), mit Kai Christoffersen übernimmt erstmals ein Außenstehender den finalen Mix, Erik Ruud (Schlagzeug) lässt die Band zum Quartett anwachsen und Anja Øyen Vister greift zur Gitarre, was Songs wie "Queen Of The Underground" oder "Awkward" deutlich prägt und bei "Subway (J'aime la pluie d'ete)" in Richtung Galaxie 500 führt. Auf den bekannten Downbeat-Pop, der mal an Club 8 ("Love And Halogen") oder Stina Nordenstam ("Awkward") erinnert, müssen Flunk-Fans jedoch nicht gänzlich verzichten.
Folgendes haben Anja Øyen Vister, Jo Bakke, Ulf Nygaard und Erik Ruud über ihr "Lost Causes" noch zu berichten:
All our records could be break-up records. Also this one. 'Awkward' is kissing our demons goodbye, 'Lost Causes' is telling we're not taking you home, 'Queen Of The Underground' is about all the fighters who stopped fighting, 'Love and Halogen' and 'Sanctuary' are about coming to peace, 'Primer' is possibly about stepping into someone else's dream, 'Bummed' is about the absurd luxury of living in one of the filthiest rich countries in the world with a bad taste in the mouth and utter bewilderment, since it doesn't make you happy - told in a dylanesque way or like the movie 'Big', 'Subway' is plain subjective confessions inspired by the French writer/photographer/painter Edouard Levé's inspiring book 'Autobiography'. 'Bus Ride' is possibly the most Flunk-like song on the album; it's just a restless song. And last, 'As If You Didn't Already Know', which was written for two sisters, Lara and Bano Rashid. Lara survived the Utøya terror attack in Norway on July 22 2011, Bano didn't. They both came from Iraq for the safety of the outskirts of the world, but didn't find it. Lara is a friend.
8 Punkte, vor allem wegen "Awkward".
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