Seapony - Falling

7,25 Punkte gab es hier letztes Jahr im Schnitt für "Go With Me", das Debütalbum von Seapony. Ein guter Grund, um auch deren zweite Platte "Falling" vorzustellen. 
Ein Absturz des Punktekontos dürfte auch nicht zu erwarten sein, denn das Trio verfeinert nur seinen Stil zwischen Surf-, Jangle-Pop, Shoegaze und Dreampop. So wie das Plattencover nun etwas intensivere Farben hat, so werden bei der Musik das Tempo gelegentlich etwas angezogen und die Gitarren weiter in den Vordergrund gemischt, wie etwa bei "What You Wanted" oder "Never Be". Man stelle sich The Smiths oder The Jesus And Mary Chain mit säuselndem Mädchen-Gesang vor. 
Ach, das gibt es schon? Na dann sollten sich alle Best Coast-Fans auch das Album von Jen Weidl (Gitarre, Gesang), ihrem Freund Danny Rowland (Gitarre) und Ian Brewer (Bass) zulegen. Und wer schnell genung ist, bekommt die Platte noch als weißes Vinyl.

Even during the first chords it comes clear, that SEAPONY developed without leaving their established sound. The opening track “Outside” starts with cheery guitars attended by swinging drums later on. From this moment on, SEAPONY takes you away with dreamy sounds driven by waves of catchy guitar riffs and tender vocals, which seem to be aspirated by a ghost in the shape of Jen Weidl. Central issues are memories, craving for love, heartbreak, leaving, dreaming and momentariness.
All songs work together and seem to be the perfect match for leaving everyday life by drifting away into a world full of love, freedom and some kind of lightness. Even when Jen Weidl sings about broken promises and longing for attention like in Tell me so, she sounds so feathery that even sad stories get a romantic touch. While the whole record is furthered by guitar-driven songs about (bitter)sweet life, there are some special tunes, that persuade by particular dominating guitar parts. For example in Follow or Prove to me the guitar is fractional set to the background and in another moment it captures the listener by being wonderful present and disarming. Never be is an outstanding impellent song starting with energetic guitar chords and danceable drums. But after leaving the SEAPONY-caused dreamland for three minutes, Sunlight comes along with acoustic guitar and rarely inserted tambourine, which accompanies the listener to the rest of the record consisting of coherent songs.
It isn’t that easy to assert oneself as an outstanding band within the growing genre of lo-fi, indie dream pop. Falling is a strong record, playing with the attitude and magic of this genre and coming up with some guitar sounds full of energy. SEAPONY accomplished to create a LP that works as a perfect soundtrack for Sunday morning coffee or road trips into sun without being just background music. The sound is hope, the lyrics are passion – and all together Falling is made for bearing summer days in mind while autumn is going to catch us.
(Nothing But Hope And Passion)

Hier gibt es noch ein "Akustisch über den Dächern"-Video der älteren Titel "Dreaming" und "Blue Star", dann die beiden neuen Songs "What You Wanted" und "Prove To Me":