Wenn Sie eine Nachricht für Martin Colclough (Gesang, Gitarre), Pat Fogarty (Gitarre, Gesang), Gemma Evans (Bass, Gesang) und Ben Perry (Schlagzeug, Glockenspiel) aus Manchester haben und netten Indiepop á la Two Door Cinema Club oder Shout Out Louds mögen, dann hinterlassen Sie bitte eine Bewertung bei Platten vor Gericht oder eine Nachricht nach dem Piepton.
"Lifeline" Video
Interviews mit der The Answering Machine findet sich bei Flush the Fashion oder Virgin, There goes the Fear (7/10 Punkten) sagt folgendes über "Lifeline":
‘My Little Navy’ is a nice intro to this set of 11 songs, the guitars approaching shoegazey territory, having a crashing instrumental bridge, then backing off into something softer. We previously profiled the great singles ‘Lifeline’ and ‘Animals’. It’s funny, if you listen to these songs in sequence, it’s almost like they’re twins, with similar sensibilities. Not sure if that was intentional?
’3 Miles’ includes enjoyable guitar lines matching like the evocative lyrics like two lovers dancing perfectly in sync. This would work well as a single, but maybe it wasn’t chosen as one because it goes beyond the 4-minute mark and therefore would have to be shaved down for radio play. Like ‘Lifeline’, the emotional effect on bones (as in getting an all body shiver) is again explored. The lyrics are poppy yet with some bite too: “the veins, the blood, the cracks in the street /my heart breaks a little more with every beat / could you ever be mine?” More frenetic are ‘Romantic and Square’ and ‘Hospital Lung’ with thoughtful synths, banging guitars and quickfire lyrics; these may remind you a bit of Two Door Cinema Club perhaps?
Sadness pervades ‘Rules’, Colclough ‘s voice giving a regretful examination of a relationship gone wrong, and the instrumentation is sympathetic to these proceedings. ‘The End’, fittingly the album’s last track, features bassist Gemma Evans on lead vocals, and as should be expected on a ‘romantic’ record, this is about the end of a relationship. Or is it? She sounds adamant about making this relationship, almost an obsession (“I will hunt you down / I will chase you ’til the end”). Not really how I expected this album to conclude, it’s a bit unsettling. The overall effect of ‘Lifeline’ is a good one; however, a lot of the songs sound similar, like they followed the same recipe for each, and they lack the energy that could have been. From ‘Another City, Another Sorry’, it’s like they repainted the walls, putting taupe over red.
"Animals" Video
Neue (Alamo Race Track, Arctic Monkeys, Art Brut) und aktualisierte Gerichtstermine.
AntwortenLöschenthe antlers - "burst apart" im mai !
AntwortenLöschenNoch eine Band mit A. Danke für den Hinweis!
AntwortenLöschenDa greife ich viel lieber zum Album von Two Door Cinema Club.
AntwortenLöschen5 Punkte