Sucht jemand das passende Pendant zu Gossips "A Joyful Noise" für die zweite Seite eines Tapes, um sich im Auto auf der Fahrt in die örtliche Disco oder zum Zumba-Kurs richtig einzustimmen? Dann empfehle ich aus der Schwemme an neuen Mai-Veröffentlichungen das dritte Album der Infadels.
"The Future Of The Gravity Boy" liefert den von dem Quartett bekannten energetischen, tanzbaren Mix aus Elektro & Rock, ist aber um eine Vielzahl an albernen, quietschenden Effekten, elektronischen Spielereien und synthetischer Videospiel-Schnipseln erweitert.
Ähnlich wie bei Gossip mag wohl der Produzent für den veränderten Sound mit verantwortlich sein: In diesem Falle war dies Alex Metric, der bisher vor allem durch Remix-Arbeiten (Bloc Party, Phoenix, Gorillaz, Depeche Mode) bekannt wurde.
Anders als bei Gossip stellt die aktuelle Platte der Infadels eine Verbesserung im Vergleich zum Vorgänger dar. Aber das war ja auch nicht allzu schwer.
This record is at least ostensibly a concept album, as the title perhaps hints. The band claims that it’s about “the survival of human skills in the technological age,” yet it is almost definitely not a tract on Neo-Luddism. Nevertheless, a lyrical and conceptual journey is here to be discovered through focused lyrics and undulating moods and tones.
For all the heavy use of analogue synths throughout the opening tracks, there is also a lesser-heard lightness which emerges most forcefully when lead singer Bnann heads up a far-reaching melody, and they come little more expansive than in the joyous and pop-driven We Get Along, in which there is talk of joining a mariachi band. Occasionally, though, Infadels break this mould and move away from the expected, as in 5:03, the final track on the album – its title is also its duration.
The disc's penultimate track, Explain Nothing, also tones down the bombast – it’s about as reflective and contemplative a song as you’re ever likely to hear from Infadels. In comparison to the somewhat exhausting and pumped-up intensity of the first half of the record, it's a welcome move to something more relaxed.
Despite a few stylistic variations, generally The Future of the Gravity Boy presents fare to match expectations. Few listeners familiar with the band’s previous output will be taken aback by what it contains, though they may be impressed with its relentless intensity. It is, in short, a fine offering of upbeat and punchy electro-pop.
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