Gäbe es einen besseren Tag, als einen Dienstag im August, um „Songs For Tuesdays" von den Summer Cats vorzustellen?
Slumberland Records, das Label, das mit The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart bereits einen großen Wurf dieses Jahr hatte, veröffentlicht das Debütalbum der Australier. Also hingehört Das Quintett aus Melbourne bietet nämlich einen quietschfiedelen Mix aus C86, Twee, Indiepop und Shoegaze, so dass die Koordinaten mit The Jesus & Mary Chain, Lush, Stereolab, The Wedding Present und The Go-Betweens relativ weit gesteckt sind.
Slumberland Records, das Label, das mit The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart bereits einen großen Wurf dieses Jahr hatte, veröffentlicht das Debütalbum der Australier. Also hingehört Das Quintett aus Melbourne bietet nämlich einen quietschfiedelen Mix aus C86, Twee, Indiepop und Shoegaze, so dass die Koordinaten mit The Jesus & Mary Chain, Lush, Stereolab, The Wedding Present und The Go-Betweens relativ weit gesteckt sind.
It's easy to hear any number of noisy pop outfits in the band's familiar sound - from the Go-Betweens and the Wedding Present to Velocity Girl and Unrest. Tracks such as "Super," "Fulton Gurls," and "Christopher Wren" display a strong knowledge of vintage 1960s and '70s pop hooks, and the bouncy, sun-kissed melodies feel almost too perfect. (...)
Songs for Tuesdays is a fine, fun record that will no doubt appeal to the "pop kids" who get a shout out it in the album credits, in addition to tickling the nostalgia fancy of anyone who came of age on Teenbeat, Simple Machines, and the original incarnation of Slumberland. Yet for playing such bubbly feel-good music, you kind of want the Summer Cats to lighten up a little.
„Lonely Planet" Video
Thirteen songs in 32 minutes doesn't leave a lot of space for meandering or epic ballads or wasting time with guitar solos; it does leave plenty of space for memorable hooks and for songs that sound like they were created just to be played loudly in the summertime. Any summer mixtape would be improved by the addition of the noisy rocker "Hey You," the droning Stereolab-y "Lonely Planet," or the wildly oscillating "St. Tropez." You could really take any song and plug it into that sentence; the record is that strong and unified. (...)
The Summer Cats spent a few years honing their sound on singles and EPs, and it really pays off. Songs for Tuesdays captures the sound of a band playing and writing at the peak of their game, and it's album anyone with a fondness for spiky, catchy, and super fun indie pop should own.
„Super" Video
„Hey You" und „Super" als Download auf der Seite des Labels.
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So schnell können 30 Minuten und 13 Songs vorbei sein. Kurzweilig.
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