Bei diesem irischen Sextett hat niemand kleine Xe an Stelle der Augen, dafür sorgen vier der sechs Bandmitglieder für verschachtelten (hauptsächlich weiblichen) Harmoniegesang, dazu erklingen Mandoline, Ukulele und Glockenspiel, so dass man die 10 Titel von "Everywhere Else" wahlweise mit den Labels "charmanter, sonniger Indiepop" oder "geeignet für einen John Hughes-Film" versehen möchte.
Da die Single "Logical Love" ein wenig "Heart Of Glass" zitiert, darf Blondie hier als Verweis nicht fehlen, außerdem könnte man Au Revoir Simone oder Summer Camp zu Vergleichen heran ziehen.
2011 veröffentlichten Bennie Reilly (Gesang, Gitarre), Davey Moor (Gesang, Gitarre, Mandoline, Ukulele), Michelle Considine (Gesang, Keyboard, Glockenspiel), Ed Costello (Schlagzeug), Rayne Booth (Gesang, Keyboard) und Harry Bookless (Bass) ihr Debütalbum "S.A.D.". 2014 begaben sie sich ins Studio, um am Nachfolger zu arbeiten, der mittlerweile fertig gestellt und unter dem Titel "Everywhere Else" veröffentlicht wurde. Über die Bandcamp-Seite von Little Xs For Eyes lässt sich das Album als Download (8€) oder CD (12€ inkl. Versand) beziehen.
Little xs for eyes make for the ideal summer companion with an album craving to be cracked open on those mythic days when the sun finally makes a welcome return and the air is filled with the scent of sunscreen and dreams of illicit kisses in the golden light. Hopefully now that their yearning to be everywhere else has passed they’ll realise that they’ve actually already reached their musical home.
Everywhere Else is full of harmony induced indie pop gems, with lead vocalist and main songwriter Bennie Reilly’s syrupy vocals once again to the fore. There are hooks and catchy chimes a plenty on this record, which just like their debut, encompasses all things Summery.
However the darker and more personal lyrical content of songs like; ‘Love Gets Lost’ ‘Sleeping Hearts’ and ‘Logical Love’, revolving around lost love and failed relationships, act as a perfect juxtaposition to the upbeat and seemingly care free nature of the music.
Little xs for eyes ability to combine lush (mainly all female) harmonies, with a driven yet deft like approach from the rhythm section and catchy keyboard/xylophone notes – not to mention the obvious lyrical themes – proves that the outfit are definitely progressing in the right direction. here’s hoping album number three comes around faster than this!
(Crackling Vinyl)
Encapsulated within the indie-pop verve and bright shining production found on Everywhere Else, Little Xs For Eyes traverse the emotive twists and turns that make music, and life itself, so gratifying. Heartbreaking one moment, hopeful the next, the album delivers what we expect, want and need from art. Giving a voice to relate our own feelings and thoughts in possibly the most effective medium at our disposal, pop music.
(The Last Mixed Tape)
6 Punkte
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