Bereits die zweite Vorladung wurde dieser Tage an The Wilderness Of Manitoba überstellt. Denn nach "When You Left" (2010) müssen sie sich nun auch für "Island Of Echoes" vor Gericht verantworten.
Bei der Urteilsverkündung kam der Vorgänger nicht über 5 Punkte hinaus - dies mag aber der Abwesenheit gleich mehrerer ehrenamtlicher Richter geschuldet sein.
Das kanadische Quintett hatte zunächst den Abgang von Melissa Dalton zu verkraften. Stefan Banjevic, Will Whitwham, Scott Bouwmeester und Sean Lancaric fanden Ersatz in Amanda Balsys, die eigentlich bei The Gertrudes musiziert, nun aber Geige und Gesang als vollwertiges Mitglied bei The Wilderness Of Manitoba beisteuert.
Die 13 Folk-Titel entstanden während ihrer Tournee im letzten Jahr, bestechen weiterhin durch den mehrstimmigen Harmoniegesang, spiegeln aber auch die gewonnenen Live-Eindrücke in einem dynamischeren Sound, der erstmals in einem professionellen Studio aufgenommen werden konnte, wider.
Will Whitwham beschreibt das veränderte Klangbild so:
"There are elements of folk happening throughout the album, but it is in no way a folk record although it is definitely a Wilderness of Manitoba record. The '70s was just a reference point that happens to include some of our favourite influences such as Fleetwood Mac. We were looking to bring in the kind of instrumentation you hear from that era that is heavy with electric guitars, Hammond organ, synthesizers and a prominent backbeat with lots of harmonies happening vocal-wise on top"
For one thing, this album is gorgeous. Just reading the track list may be enough to make you want to go and lie on the grass in a park somewhere. Track names like “Golden Thyme” and “The First Snowfall” tell a lot about the character of the band. WOM is also just as poetic in their lyrics, no doubt largely thanks to Will Whitwham, who also showed off his poetic side with his solo album, Silver Skies.
By track three of this album you should already be hooked on for the whole experience. Instrumental opener “Balloon Lamp” quietly makes way to “Morning Sun.” The latter, thanks to shimmering electric guitar and a steady kick drum, could almost be a rock song. It’s also a great introduction to those unfamiliar with WOM’s killer vocal harmonies. This leads to “Echoes,” one of the finest songs on the album. It skillfully blends an uptempo beat with Whitwham’s gentle vocals to create one beautiful track (that may also make you want to dance).
To hear more upbeat and powerful songs you can also check out “The Island of the Day Before,” arguably one of the catchiest songs on the album. “Glory Days” also is one of the rare songs that has all three of my favourite things- a song length under three minutes, vocal harmonies and horns.
Just because WOM have embraced a faster tempo, they certainly haven’t forgotten how to play more melodic numbers. “Golden Thyme” slowly layers instruments to create a drawn-out, dreamlike track. “The Escape” uses a multitude of instruments, from plucked strings to keys to electronics to create another strong creation.
You have to hand it to the Wilderness of Manitoba- rather than just rest on their laurels and continue to deliver the same experience album after album, the band can try out something new with confidence and put together a fantastic collection like Island of Echoes.
(Grayowl Point)
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