Es gibt so einige Dinge an Frankmusik und „Complete Me" über die sich vortrefflich diskutieren lässt: Angefangen bei Vincent Franks Haarschnitt (oder war es doch ein Versehen?), sein, an Mika erinnerndes, hohes Stimmchen, die Begeisterung die er bei Keane und den Pet Shop Boys hervorruft (oder warum durfte er „Loce etc." remixen und Konzerte für beide eröffnen?), den Erfolg in England („Complete Me" erreichte Platz 13), sein nicht gerade kleines Ego (der Deluxe Version des Albums liegt eine Remix-Version bei, die kein geringerer als er selbst erstellte), über Stimm-Vocoder, Auto Tune oder anderer Stimmverzerrer (hier kamen vermutlich alle handelsüblichen zum Einsatz), das Ruinieren wundervoller Klassiker („When You're Around" verhackstückelt „Golden Brown" von The Stranglers) oder generell über von Stuart Price (The Killers, Madonna) produzierte Pop-Alben.
Der NME möchte nicht diskutieren, vergibt 1 von 10 möglichen Punkten und zieht als Anspielung auf die Single „3 Little Words" folgendes Fazit:
Three little words? Fuck off now.
„3 Little Words" Video
The recipient of much new year's hype, Croydon's Vincent Frank has since been outpaced by his female, synth-wielding peers, with recent single "Confusion Girl" charting at a lowly 29. Should his debut album follow suit, it will be an injustice. In thrall to the cheesiest end of 1980s electropop, Complete Me matches gleaming textures to catchy choruses and grandiose, bleeding-heart ballads ("Your Boy") to svelte disco stompers ("Gotta Boyfriend?"). Machine-tooled as it is, however, Frank's keening vocals proffer an aching humanity that the Little Boots and La Rouxs of this world would do well to learn from.
„Confusion Girl" Video
The real strength of Frankmusik, throughout this LP, is the prolific and clinical manner in which he plucks out stonewall singles. '3 Little Words', 'Better Off As Two' and 'In Step' are all dead-cert flagstones of electro pop craft, but all three are topped by 'Time Will Tell', an epitome of every connotation thrown at the art school dropout's unique sound. It's a mood-shifting marriage of synths and percussion, laid over a fresh bed of beats that, unexpectedly, would not sound lost on a Kool & The Gang record.
They always say you've been writing your first album all your life. As a result, this one is awash with varying influences and sounds, all derived from electro and pop in their foundations but each still quite significantly different from another. There's just one constant: written memoirs of a past love bleed through every track, producing emotive balladry juxtaposed with an infectious playfulness. Thus, the whole connotes the natures of adolescence, love gained and love lost perfectly.
„Better Off As Two" Video
Hierfür muss man betrunken sein. Oder Autoscooter fahren. Oder beides.
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