The Most Serene Republic - Mediac

Es ist schon einige Jahre her, als das kanadische Label Arts & Crafts aufhorchen ließ, eine prächtige Platte nach der anderen veröffentlichte und diese auch eben so gut verkaufte. Broken Social Scene, Feist, Stars und Dan Mangan waren zwischen 2005 und 2012 die erfolgreichsten Künstler dieses Labels, die viele Preise abgriffen und Renommee einfuhren. Mittlerweile ist es um viele dieser Bands und ihr Label deutlich ruhiger geworden. 

In besagtem Zeitraum veröffentlichte auch The Most Serene Republic drei Alben auf Arts & Craft: "Underwater Cinematographer" (2005), "Population" (2007) und "...And the Ever Expanding Universe" (2009). Nach einer Compilation folgte jedoch keine weitere Platte des kanadischen Sextetts, das häufig mit Broken Social Scene verglichen wurde.

Nun steht mit einem neuen Label (MapleMusic Recordings) auch ein neues Album ("Mediac") in den Plattenläden, das weiterhin vertrackten Indierock bietet, der mit wechselnden Rhythmen ("Fingerspelling"), wuchtigem Bläsereinsatz ("Ontario Morning"), jazzigen Ausflügen ("Benefit Of The Doubt") oder Radiohead-Adaptionen ("The Feels") zu überzeugen versucht, aber zu wenig wiedererkennbare Songs parat hält. Bei den professionellen Kritikern schneidet "Mediac" jedoch gar nicht so schlecht ab:

Mediac, the Most Serene Republic's fourth LP, is loosely a concept record. Jumping from one time signature and mind-space to another, their restless arrangements match the collective consciousness of living through your 20s and 30s. The buoyant, horn-punctuated instrumentation of "Ontario Morning" (with its Orwellian lyric "Newspeak is the thrill") can't hide the anxiousness within, while the consumer awareness evoked alongside the stringed twirls of "Capitalist Waltz" is also fraught. Even with the lethargic lyrics in highlight "Nation of Beds" or the darker mood of "The Feels," both songs are a flurry of activity, showing the still-bright hues of the band's collective heart

It’s been a full decade now since the Most Serene Republic issued their debut effort, Underwater Cinematographer, and the musical landscape has changed drastically since even the band’s last outing. As such, there’s an oddly retro feel to pieces like the brass-blasting “Ontario Morning,” an all-too-chipper anthem with CanCon appeal, or “Capitalist Waltz,” which casually blends clipped-and-chipped drum machine beats with dozy guitar textures.
“Nation of Beds” is rather plush, but still feels a bit out-of-step. Its mix of chiming electronics, cinematic strings and horns have it sounding as if it could have scored a Zach Braff-directed coming-of-age drama circa 2003, and it fittingly arrives with plenty of awkwardly reflective lyrics. “Do you still talk to parents like you’re hiding something,” vocalist Adrian Jewett intimates with a nebbish, nerdy quality. “Elongated adolescence” indeed.
To be fair, the act appear to be dabbling in adult themes, too. “Fingerspelling,” for instance, is addressing bigger issues than current-day texting practices. Above a post-rock groove of mathematical guitars and slick bass, the unit are apparently weighing in on wealth disparity and housing markets. It’s noted glibly in the chorus: “Some people have it better than others.”
“Brain Etiquette,” meanwhile, brings back a childlike tone, with multi-layered vocal harmonies rolling-out schoolyard style above a bed of juiced-up drums, piano plunks and assorted strums.
While “Failure of Anger” takes a bit of a left turn with its folk-flirting bursts of fiddle, closing cut “The Feels” might be the most out-there exploration on Mediac. Reminiscent of The Bends-period Radiohead or early Coldplay, it’s a jittery 7/4 exploration of the psyche. Disconcertingly, it heads into a dark place with its repeated calls of “put the boy on medication, shut him up.” But despite the heavy subject matter, it still finds an aging Most Serene Republic infantilized.
Mediac presents a band at the cusp of maturity, though unclear with how to proceed. If “The Feels” is any indication, the crisis isn’t exactly the most serene of situations to be in.
(Northern Transmissions)